YAMAHA Demonstration Classes

Interested in music lessons for your 3, 4 or 5 yr old ?

Sign up for our free demo classes:

Music Wonderland Demo Class (Ages 3 to 4)

To be confirmed...

Junior Music Course Demo Class (Ages 4 to 5)

To be confirmed...

Please contact us by email to reserve your spot as
spots are filling up quickly.


Oakridge Music Studios is an authorized YAMAHA music school.

The YAMAHA method of music education incorporates weekly group lessons designed to give students the best beginning possible for the development of basic music skills.

Emphasis is placed on ear training and the development of a good rhythmic sense. A variety of activities, including singing words and solfege, keyboard playing, sight singing, sight playing, ensemble work and musical creativity are part of the curriculum.

Music Courses

Music Wonderland (Ages 3 to 4)

Music Wonderland is designed to provide children with an introduction to music in a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. Together with their parents, children experience singing, introductory keyboard activities, movement, and listening to music. Music Wonderland lays the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyable music-making through these carefully planned activities. This course leads to the Junior Music Course Program.

Class duration:  45 mins
Max class size: 6-8 students

Class Available for School Year 2021/22: (to be confirmed) 


**We will be announcing more JMC 1 classes to open soon!  Please inquire for details.**

Junior Music Course (Ages 4 to 5)

Early childhood is the ideal time to start music lessons. At this age, the ear is at its peak of sensitivity. Learning music is as natural as learning to speak. Students can begin in the Music Wonderland (age 3, 4) or Primary (age 4, 5). The unique curriculum — up to seven years in length — is designed to give your child the best opportunity to develop basic music skills. The creative approach centers on developing the three essential elements of pitch, harmony, and rhythm. The Junior Music Course develops the musical child from within, culminating the ultimate goal of composing their own music.

Class duration: 60 mins
Max class size: 6-8 students

Classes Available for School Year 2021/22 (tentatively):

JMC 1 Saturdays 10:00 am - 11:00 am

JMC 1 Saturdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

JMC 1 Saturdays 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

JMC 1 Tuesdays 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
